December 11, 2016

The Journey Begins

    Hello all! Welcome! This blog will cover my exploits into the anime world, and the thoughts I've had along the way, and what I gathered from travelling there. Or, in plain English, reviews of anime I've seen, will watch, and looking forward to in the future. The entries following this one will also cover Top favs of whatever topic I feel like. I'm not expecting everyone to be happy with my personal lists, but nonetheless I would appreciate comments to tell me why, and breed discussions rather than arguments, or simply "you're wrong," as the base.

    Moving on, I began this journey about a year ago now, and I certainly never expected to keep going back or moving forward. I'm in college now, but when I was young I loved watching cartoons, and although I didn't know it, sometimes they were anime with the English dubbed, like Naruto and Digimon, and I really enjoyed them. Flash forward to a year ago, and I still didn't understand what the difference between manga and anime, and anime and cartoon was. I started off quite randomly, by watching an English subtitled anime called Akatsuki no Yona (still my favorite), and a few months later, I found Fairy Tail (the dub), and shared my newfound medium with my siblings, who like me, enjoyed watching them. Flash forward one more time, and here I am, with about 100 anime under my belt (albeit not all of them were watched all the way through). I know I've only just scratched the surface, so have patience and come along with me on this adventure!

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