December 11, 2016

Packing for the Journey

This is just a small list of things you need to know about how I'll operate:

  1. I watch both sub and dub anime's, and like and dislike both about equally, but I will establish which I watched the anime in.
  2. I don't ship boy-boy relationships, nor girl-girl romances, and prefer more of a brotherly(or sisterly), and best friend relationship.
  3. I'm not a fan of the horror or sci-fi genre, so you won't find anime with those genres talked about too much.
  4. There are a few ecchi anime's that I've seen, and I like a few of them, but I will never review the ecchi as good or a necessary part of the anime.
  5. If I haven't seen most of the anime( complete or almost complete), I probably won't include them in any of my "Top" postings to be fair to those anime.
  6. Unless otherwise stated, none of the pictures or videos posted on this site belong to me.
For now, that should suffice, and I hope you continue on this journey with me, dear fellow explorers.

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